SEO Boost: A page for each service you offer

I recently read an article on SEO tips for websites and it pointed out something so obvious to me that I had failed to implement it in the creation of my own website.

When I first created my website I had all my services on one page. It looked like this ↓↓↓↓↓


I was happy with it, until I read the article and realised I had made a big SEO mistake! What was the mistake?….I had all my services on one page 😲 So what’s wrong with that? As the article told me, if all my services are on one page then I can’t create an SEO description for each service I offer….doh! It’s obvious…why hadn’t I thought that at the time?

So, I set about creating separate pages for each service.

How does creating a separate page for each service I offer help boost SEO?

When the service I offer are on individual pages then I can write specifically about each service per page and fill in the SEO section to boost it.

Ineffective SEO

This is the back end of my old page that had all my services in one. From an SEO perspective it’s not that great, even though I have added all the services in the SEO description.

This is because of the way search engines work.

As you can see, the page is called ‘My Services’ rather than the actual service I’m offering. Boosted SEO would have the page title as the service so that when people are searching for a particular thing there is a better chance of it showing up in a search result. Let’s be honest here…who is going to search for ‘services’? People are more likely to search for copywriter/writer.

Boosted SEO

This is the new page for my Website Management Services that has been separated out. Because it is now a separate page, I can write the SEO description to be specific to that particular service. Plus, the page title is the name of a service I offer, which is great news for my SEO.

The other great thing about having a separate page to boost my SEO is that I can use the headers and images to tell search engines my important words. SEO is complex and is based on a number of things such as:

  • Site URL

  • Page URL’s

  • Page Titles

  • Headers

  • Image Names

and so much more that I can’t begin to understand. However, If I get the basics right, it goes a long way to helping people find me and my services.

Now that I have my separate pages, I need to optimise them by using header text, key words and images that are labelled smartly.

Using header text for SEO boosting.

Headings help search engines learn what a page is about and find the content that's relevant to the searcher. . Search engines look for headings when they index your content. To optimize your headings for SEO, write and structure them so they help human readers and search engines find what they're looking for quickly.

As a general rule, when you format text as headings, add them in descending order (from Heading 1 to Heading 3) to funnel visitors from the broadest information to the most specific. Although search engines don’t penalise you for having multiple H1’s if that’s what you prefer.

Using images to boost SEO and enhance accessibility

  1. Include Alt Text: Integrating alt text with your images not only enhances accessibility for users relying on assistive technologies like screen readers but also aids search engines in understanding your page's content.

  2. Opt for Descriptive File Names: Your image file names should be descriptive and meaningful…cleverly crafted to not only help with assistive technologies but also boosting your SEO.

  3. Maintain Page Efficiency: Search engines favour websites and pages that load quickly. To optimise your site's performance, it's advisable to keep image sizes under 500 KB and overall page size below 5 MB. This ensures swift loading times, providing visitors with a seamless browsing experience.

Take a look at my new services pages


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