Nicolas David Ngan - Center for Conscious Ascension

What were some of the issues you were having before you reached out for support?: We were manually handling our training and session bookings as well as marketing which was very complex, inefficient and time consuming. with our ancient circa 2009 website we built ourselves.

How were you feeling at that time?: Like a hamster on a treadmill not making much progress with developing the business

How have I helped with the issue you had?: Emma has implemented our the new front end content on our new website as well as built the backend automated booking and marketing systems with gravity forms and mailchimp so it now does all the heavy lifting for our trainings So, now we can focus much more of our time on developing and delivering training and session content. Our business is growing nicely as a result

How are you feeling now about the issue mention above?: I feel relieved and grateful that the new website is up and running and is ticking over nicely.

Is there anything you feel could have been improved?: I feel Emma did an excellent job on the website build and continues to deliver us top notch day to day operational support.

Center of Conscious Ascension Website:


Trudie Tara Moulton - Abstract Painter


Lut Dierckx - Healer and Guardian of Lut's Place